Subnet 2, also known as the Translation Subnet, is developed and operated by Bittranslate. The subnet allows for the decentralized translation between 24+ languages.
To navigate to Translation, start by calling the bot with /start.
Then either click on the Interact button or call the Interact Menu with /interact.
Start by clicking on Edit Origin
Origin refers to the language you will be translating from. Let's say we want to translate from a French phrase into German. In this example, French would be our Origin Language. Clicking on Edit Origin will bring up languages supported on Bittranslate.
Now, click on Edit Destination
Completing the airport analogy, Destination refers to the language you wish to translate to. From our French to German example, German would be our Destination language. Clicking on Edit Destination will pull up a very similar menu to Edit Origin.
And we're all set! The origin language has been set to French and the destination language set to German. See the next guide on how to translate.
Start by having selected the languages you wish to translate between
In our case, we're continuing from the previous guide, aiming to translate from French to German.
Simply click on Translate!
This starts the translation process. Now, every message you send to the bot (excluding slash commands) will be interpreted as a prompt, and the bot will respond with your message translated from French into German. If you want to change the language while in this mode, just click on one of the two flags to 'hot switch' into a different language.
Let's try it out with a few messages.
Stop Translation with either /stop or /start, or by clicking on "STOP".
Finally, click on SN 2: Translate.
Once you've navigated to Translation...
Simply click on "FR" to select French
As you can see, the origin language now reads " FR" instead of " EN"