
Realtime, Powerful Information

What kind of information can I find?

📊 Stats is a powerful feature with lots of different types of information. If it's your first time using 📊 Stats, we recommend looking around to get a feel of its capabilities. 📊 Stats is structured into two categories: Global and Subnet-specific, analogous to the structure of Bittensor itself. When you first pull up the 📊 Stats page with /stats, you are met with Global level stats, providing you with a detailed snapshot of the current state of the entire protocol.

Here, you can dive deeper into the individual Subnets, or take a look at all Validators and Subnet registration/deregistration events. Then, within an individual Subnet, you are greeted with Subnet-specific stats.

You can then further dive into the Miners and Validators registered on that specific subnet, see Miner registration/deregistration events, the Miner registration cost, and eventually, the Dynamic TAO price of that subnet.

How does tao.bot get this information?

The information is sourced realtime, at the moment of your query, from our Bittensor Archive node. Depending on where you are in 📊 Stats, there is a 🔄 Refresh button if you'd like to run the query again. Validator identifying information is taken from github.com/opentensor/bittensor-delegates and bittensor.org/bittensor-validators-list


Start by navigating to the 📊 Stats page with /stats. The 📊 Stats landing page provides a global overview of the Bittensor network. The menu provides some general statistics, such as the current price of TAO or the next halving date.

Select 🔗 Subnets. This brings up a menu of all 32 subnets on the Bittensor Protocol, each complete with in-depth statistics.

Select a subnet For the purposes of this guide, we'll select Subnet 2, also known as Bittranslate or the Translation Subnet.

Explore! From here, you view all miners and validators registered on the subnet, registrations and deregistration events, and various stats such as the registration cost.

Last updated