What is the Contract Address?


What are the benefits of owning TAOBOT?

There are two main benefits to owning TAOBOT:

  1. Utility. At its core, TAOBOT is a utility token designed to power the tao.bot protocol. Features such as the lightning bridge rely on taxes earned from TAOBOT to gain the initial TAO and WTAO needed to run the bridge. As a consequence, staking a sufficient TAOBOT will reduce the fee levied on bridge transactions from 1% to 0.5% of your size.

  2. Revenue Share and Governance. tao.bot shares fundamental web3 values, such as decentralization, and we will make every effort to decentralize as much as possible. This results in a need for revenue share and for decentralized governance. For more detailed information, visit the Revenue Share page.

What are the Tokenomics?

Quick Stats:

  • 100M Total Supply

  • 65M Liquidity Pool

  • 20M Reserve (Locked for 6 months, vesting 3.33M per month)

  • 10M Team Allocation (Locked for 1 year)

  • 5M Marketing

For more detailed information, see the Tokenomics page.

What are the taxes?
  • 5/5 Buy/Sell Tax

  • No Transfer Tax

  • 20% of the tax is rev shared to stakers of TAOBOT

  • The rest is used for marketing, partnerships, development, and major expenses such as the purchase of TAO and WTAO for the bridge

Last updated